a) Huge quantity of daily vehicular traffic at their plant with loaded scrap iron as raw material
b) Irregularity suspected in the quality and quantity of material purchased
c) Records of incoming raw material are manually maintained and the process of paymentnot automated
CCTV Cameras were implemented at “IN and Out Gate”, Weighbridge and Unloading Area
AiEye's iCheckMate solution was installed to
a. track the number of incoming vehicles with their number plates
b. track the total weight with their number plates
c. track the quality of material at the Weighbridge
d. track the outgoing vehicles and their respective weight along with their number plates
Report I: (At the IN/Out GATE)
a. Date
b. Vehicle No.
c. Date/Time of Entry
d. Tare weight / Loaded Weight
Report II: (At the WEIGHBRIDGE)
a. Date/Time after loading
b. Vehicle Number
c. Gross weight
d. Quality (by predefined qualities of scrap received at the plant)
e. Date/Time of departure
Benefitsa) Tracking of vehicles at the entry gate, exit gate and weighbridge area has helped in resolving the irregularities to the records as they have now been automated
b) Information gathered at the entry/exit gate and weighbridge is supporting the customer team to improve their material receipt and invoice payment process.
c) Daily/Weekly reports have brought in better management and insights to their dailytransactions
Components Utilised
a) Workstation ( 8 GB Ram, i5+ Processor, 1 TB HDD with windows 7 + or Windows 10 andMS Office)
b) Internet connection to the workstation for remote configurations
c) The Cameras and relative infrastructure
d) iCheckMate and AI Engine as software components