"The customer has two furnaces with 2 bays and both of them need to be monitored to ensure that the burning efficiency of the furnace to maintain the furnace temperature above 900◦ C. They have deployed a team of 4 people in two shifts to monitor the bays every 30 minutes. There is a challenge in tracking the periodicity of the Bay Checks by the existing team.”
a. Customer installed the CCTV camera facing the bays to capture the activity of bay check in every 30 minutes.
b. Supported in developing the Bay Check process
c. Provided the highlights and notifications when the process didn’t happen or the process got delayed by a threshold limit of 10 minutes.
Benefitsa) Automated highlights/notifications of the Bay check process
b) Detailed Weekly Reports were provided to show the periodicity of Bay Checks
c) Improved the productivity by maintaining the temperature of the furnace by timely notifications to the Production In-charge and supervisors