Standardizing logistics data through EDI and compatible formats

Introduction to data standardization in logistics and its importance in modern supply chain management Data standardization refers to the process of developing and implementing a set of rules and protocols for exchanging data between different systems or entities. In logistics, data standardization plays a critical role in modern supply chain management by ensuring that all […]
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Boosting Your Bottom Line with Retail Analytics: How to Measure and Enhance Performance

The Importance of Data Analytics in Retail Data analytics is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, and for good reason. With the vast amounts of data available to retailers, it’s now possible to gain valuable insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and buying patterns. This information can be used to improve sales and marketing strategies, […]
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Tryst with Data

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data sciences, Business Intelligence – All familiar jargons in the world today and so in trend if you look at any career path. However, underlying all of it, a beast rears its head – Data. Most people who work with data would attest to the fact that understanding data and making […]
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