Year: 2022

Retailers can benefit a lot from AR/VR

Retailers can benefit a lot from AR/VR

Virtual stores, virtual shopping, endless aisles, personalized promos and content – augmented and virtual reality or AR/VR will make shopping more fun and efficient giving conventional retailers to change their way towards a contemporaneous way. As immersion marketing evolved, the blend of physical and digital, phygital retail is taking the best aspects from each space […]
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Data Science Terms You Should Know

Common Data Science Terms You Should Know

Data science includes work in computation, statistics, analytics, data mining, and programming. We hear or use many terms in our industry on a daily basis, but what is the underlying meaning of these words? We have created a glossary of common statistics and Data Science terms that every person concerned should know. Algorithm: A mathematical […]
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major AR/VR trends

Major AR/VR Trends

Augmented reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) bridge the digital and physical worlds by allowing visual content to be seen in a similar way as in real world. AR lets user experience the real world, which has been digitally augmented using computer-generated images, while VR fully immerse people in simulated virtual environments. Trends show online […]
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